I've tried many a combination of blue cheese on top of a steak in my days, but this is my favorite way. I've tried many blue cheese butters to put a steak and none really bring that flavor I like. I tried to thThe blue cheese crust is quite simple to make - equal parts blue cheese, bread, and a few tablespoons of butter blitzed in a processor until mostly smooth. Cook the steak until nearly done then carefully top with the blue cheese mixture and broil for 3-5 minutes until the crust starts to brown. Try it sometime...
I was looking on Twitter a few weeks back and ran across this product called Tandoori Red. It's a Tandoori sauce that I must say works really well with chicken wings! You can use the sauce as a marinade, a sauce or a condiment. Again, it's great for Chicken BBQ.
Here's how I made my Tandoori Red Chicken Wings:
1 Jar Tandoori Red Sauce 1 Large container yogurt Chicken Wings
You will want marinate your chicken wings for at least 2 hours but 24 would be better! Clean your chicken wings then put in a large container. Add the yogurt and half the bottle of the Tandoori Red sauce. Mix this together well so that all the chicken wings are coated. Store in the refer until ready to use. Once the chicken has marinated to your liking you will want to remove as much of the marinade as you can - just use your hands and see what you can get off - put the cleaned chicken wings in another bowl. Once finished add a quarter of the Tandoori Red Sauce to your bowl and mix around the chicken wings. Heat your grill to a medium high and put on the chicken wings. Cook for 10-15 minutes then rotate the wings - if you have any hot spots move the wings around. Half way through cooking brush on the rest of the Tandoori Red Sauce and continue cooking. Cook the wings until they are completely cooked - we are talking about chicken here and raw chicken is not so good for you... Plate, Eat & Enjoy!
Heat the cubed turkey in a skillet over medium heat. Separate the eggs and put the whites in a bowl. Add the hatch chilies and sour cream to the egg whites and beat well. Add the egg mixture to the turkey and cook until the eggs are done to your liking - just remember if the eggs are done in the pan they will be overdone on the plate... Mix in the tomatoes and cheese. Build your wrap - lay down the wrap - add your egg mixture towards the back of the wrap - roll the wrap over the mixture - tuck in the sides and continue rolling. Cut on the bias, plate, eat & enjoy...
Cracking an egg one handed is not too hard - it takes a bit of practice and a lot of confidence. If you have any out of date eggs in the house that's a great place to start. You'll get more out of the video than you will my writing on how to do this... What I will say is, crack the egg carefully, then commit to getting the job done and just do it....